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Shop and Dealership Located at
10523 Summit Ave
Kensington, MD

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For car sales:

People always ask: why Mustache? In our household, "mustache" is a term synonymous with thrift and good old-fashioned values like hard work. We don't believe in overpaying for products or services we can do ourselves - we drive used cars, love thrift stores, and avoid most of the material trappings of the so-called American way of life. "Mustache" is a lifestyle! (For more on Mustachianism, check out one of our favorite blogs at
So when our family decided to open a small business auto repair shop dedicated to honesty, value and quality work,
the name had to be Mustache Mechanics!
Mustache customers SAVE AN AVERAGE OF 40% compared to traditional auto repair shops and dealerships. We do this by passing on our parts discount and not charging for bogus items such as shop supplies, EPA or waste disposal fees. We only charge for what we did: labor, discounted parts and mandatory sales taxes. We also use a low flat rate per hour for all types of repairs, at a significant discount over local prevailing retail rates (often $100 or more per hour.) All work performed is pre-authorized by you and then it is guaranteed. We do not believe in upselling or convincing you that more work needs to be done...that's not the Mustache way!
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